Sons of the American Revolution

image002Richard Henry Lee Chapter- Lower Northern Neck

The members of Richard Henry Lee Chapter, SAR, have created a site to perpetuate the Sons of the American Revolution as a leading male lineage society that perpetuates the ideals of the war for independence.  As a historical, educational, patriotic, and genealogy based organization, we encourage you to explore our country’s history.  Also to recognize Richard Henry Lee who was born on January 20, 1731 in Stratford Hall, Westmoreland County, Virginia.  He died June 19, 1794.


Membership in the Sons of the American Revolution (SAR) serves to honor our history, promote education and patriotism.  If you would like information about membership or help with an application, please contact our registrar, Woody Woodard, 804-438-5407.


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Cobbs Hall is a historic plantation house located near the town of Kilmarnock in Northumberland County, Virginia.  It was built in 1853, on the foundations of an earlier dwelling of the same design. It is a two-story, five-bay, double pile brick dwelling with a gable roof. The front and rear facades feature similar porches supported by Tuscan Order columns. The ends have two semi-exterior end chimneys flanking the peak of the gable. Also on the property are the contributing Cobbs Hall graveyard containing Lee family remains, the remains of a 1 1/2-story brick dwelling, and a brick meat house. Cobbs Hail is one of the noted Northern Neck plantations associated with the Lee family of Virginia since the middle of the 17th century. It was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 2001.
Location: 37 degrees 44’36″N  76 degrees 20’23″W


Colonel Richard Lee I (1617–1664), later nicknamed “The Immigrant” was the first member of the Lee family to live in America; he emigrated from Shropshire, England  to Virginia in 1639. Lee was a lawyer, planter and member of the Virginia House of Burgesses..
By the time of his death, Lee was the largest landholder in Virginia, with 13,000 acres and perhaps the richest man in Virginia.
He was the great-great-great grandfather of Confederate general Robert E. Lee, the great-grandfather of President Zachary Taylor and the grandfather of our Chapter’s namesake, Richard Henry Lee.

Christ Church,_Virginia)

